Monday, May 6, 2019

The lies we tell ourselves

Who are we, really? A mixed bag of skin and bones landing in a random family with random siblings in a random place? Are we born to grow into societal norms and limiting beliefs? Maybe we come from a Magnificent place and through social and familial conditioning shrink ourselves into bodies that grow, then age and rot, never realizing that we were meant for so much more. If we are lucky and have the wisdom to question our purpose on earth we get a chance to explore other scenarios. But first we have to deconstruct what we have come to believe is true.

There is a theory that we are humans having a spiritual experience, which would explain how we are created, learn right from wrong, experience karmic repercussions, and eventually have to pay for sins we commit in this life. The negative side of this is a basic understanding that we must learn how to behave...that we are somehow flawed in the beginning and require guidance or worse yet-punishment. This punishment is determined by individuals who, by no fault of their own, are just as flawed as we are.

Another theory espouses that we come as energy, spirits, souls-pick your verbiage, having a human experience. In this scenario we are pure and made in the image of God. We are Fantastical beings cramped into skin, blood and sinew acquiring insecurities and negative vibrations. In many cases these experiences can continue for decades, interweaving and layering upon itself until any spark of Splendor is extinguished.

In either case the outcomes are similar. Many individuals find that they live with belief systems that do not allow for supernatural feats or miracle making; they cannot believe that the power lies within them. Still others spend their lives decoding layers of guilt and shame heaped upon them by the judgment of others. They struggle with the internal negative dialogue that keeps them from living their best life.

Taking the time to listen to the lies we tell ourselves in this dialogue brings perspective to both scenarios. Once we identify the lies, they can be altered and recreated in a positive format that can be programmed into a new belief system. This process creates room for expansion and growth and over time allows healing of the sacred God-filled self, producing miracles of each of us.

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