Have you ever had a really great idea for something and heard that voice in your head try to talk you out of it? It will come up with a million reasons why it can't be done. This might not be the right time, you're too old-or young, it's too expensive, you don't have the right credentials, etc. The list is infinite and personal.
There is another voice that we rarely acknowledge that breathes life into those great ideas, but we tend to ignore it. Why is that? Where do these ideas come from? What if this voice became so loud and bothersome that it demanded your attention?
We are creatures with access to powers larger than our physical experience can comprehend. We get flashes of genius that are designed specifically for us, yet we dismiss the calling because of fear and doubt. FEAR and DOUBT. We have no problem giving them full reign in our experience, but faith in ourselves and in our Creator gets pushed to the back burner. FAITH in the belief that we are in the right place at this moment. FAITH that we are perfect by design. FAITH that we are here to do great things, and most importantly FAITH that we will have everything we need to accomplish our every dream when we march headlong into it.
Faith requires us to identify these voices and make a conscious choice-a mental shift-to a new perspective. Consider that both voices are present but it is our choice to turn the volume of each up or down. Turning the positive volume up begins with focusing on the good in our life, on how far we have come and finding peace in the knowledge that the universe is here to support us. Our Creator has given us these ideas for a reason...we must have faith to trust the journey.