Let's talk TRAUMA. According to the Crisis Prevention Institute trauma is defined as:
"An event or series of events, an experience or prolonged experiences, and/or a threat or perceived threats to a person’s well-being. The individual’s daily coping mechanisms can be negatively impacted by trauma. Subsequent behavioral responses to daily life may be filtered through this perspective."
It is divided into 3 types.
Acute trauma (Type I)-results from exposure to a single overwhelming event. Examples: Rape, death of a loved one, natural disaster. Characteristics: Detailed memories, omens, hyper-vigilance, exaggerated startle response, misperceptions or overreactions.
Complex trauma (Type II)- results from extended exposure to traumatizing situations. Examples: Prolonged exposure to violence or bullying, profound neglect, home environment, or abrupt removal from an environment with friends or colleagues. Characteristics: Denial and psychological numbing, dissociation, rage, social withdrawal, sense of foreshortened future.
Crossover Trauma (Type III)-results from a single traumatic event that is devastating enough to have long-lasting effects. Examples: Mass casualty school shooting, car accident with fatalities involved, refugee dislocation. Characteristics: Perpetual mourning or depression, chronic pain, concentration problems, sleep disturbances, irritability.
Betrayal can also cause trauma, regardless of whether the betrayal is delivered or received. Either instance can trigger severe loss of self worth and initiate toxic shame. Toxic shame creates feelings of worthlessness and when combined with a history of childhood trauma can cause a downward negative spiral of self loathing and destructive behavior. This behavior can manifest itself in one or more of the following ways:
*You wear masks to cover your true identity
*You isolate yourself
*You don't express yourself and often denigrate your own skills and gifts
*You lie to yourself and others
*You have low self-esteem and self-sabotage
The combination of betrayer/betrayal receiver and an existing history of trauma creates a constant belief of unworthiness and negative self talk that can derail any positive movement toward forgiveness and wholeness, as well as create self-sabotaging reactions to opportunities for growth. Many times individuals never reach their true potential until they identify, forgive, ask for forgiveness and work toward finding value in their life.
As a survivor of trauma and educator my most important contribution to the world is to take what I know about trauma, help others to identify their own traumatic events, and assist them on a path toward healing and forgiveness. My hope is that I can give you the tools to accomplish this and learn to see yourself in a new light...your individual light, and fulfill your own purpose.
If you see yourself in this message and are ready to take the next steps toward healing you may PM me on my facebook page
or via email